Nicole Balaam

I currently teach on the BTEC ND Photography, Multimedia and Graphic Design courses at West Suffolk College. I also run my own business, SNOWCUBE, which specialises in graphic design, photography and art.


Can You Read This?.......

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

How Many?..........

Count the number of F's in the following text:


Managed it?

Scroll down only after you have counted them!

How many?
your wrong there are  SIX?
have another go!
wanna know why?

The brain cannot process the word, OF

Manchester 2006

The Lowry

The Lowry

The Lowry

The Lowry

The Lowry

The Bridge

The Bridge


Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

The Manchester Wheel

The Manchester Wheel

Sara, kyrstie, Nicole on the Manchester Wheel

Matt, Andy, Elliot outside the Manchester Wheel

Creative Dinner in Manchester

The Urbis

Inside the Urbis

Tracey and Liz, Photography Year One

Inside the Urbis

Graphics Year One, Inside the Urbis

Cities Of Imagination, Urbis, Manchester

Inside the Urbis

David and Laura, Multimedia and Graphic Design Year One

Brad and Dave Inside the Urbis Lift

The Urbis

Harry, Joe and Dave, Inside the Urbis

Graphics Year One students inside the Urbis

The Urbis

Art Museum

Art Museum

Grafitti in Manchester

The 3 Books Project

Brief –
For this assignment you will be required to undertake a range of montages, object assemblages, drawing work and a variety of processes on the AppleMacs. These will all be used to communicate and illustrate a series of book covers. You are expected to create a range of alternative outcomes for each… not simply one final one. These will then need to be presented professionally.

• ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley
• ‘American Psycho’ by Bret Easton Ellis
• A book cover for a publication by yourself based on your experiences and images from your ‘Journey’ assignment. Author=yourself, the title is your choice

During lesson time you will be introduced to a range of skills. These will include:
• 2D - drawing, mixed-media, typography experimentation, montage processes etc.
• 3D – the process of successful object assemblages and photography using support systems
• Innovative and controlled photography techniques
• Inventive and controlled darkroom techniques
• A wide range of I.T./D.T.P. techniques and applications to develop and present outcomes

The outcomes of these, along with your own work outside hours, will develop into a body of images which are playful and inventive in nature. The way in which photography, mixed media, ‘drawing’ and computers can be linked is a vital learning aim. This is the same as in your first assignment for Derek.

Although the work in lesson time will kick-start the assignment – it is vital that you express you own ideas, design formats, personality through the project to ensure that it is unique.

You are also required to fill a sketch book with notes, plans, research, ideas etc. Work on this during the assignment… not at the end! This will show the whole process of the project from conceptualisation to realisation. This will be a vital part of the project and hence assessment.

Your covers can be whatever you choose. Be inventive, be different – think laterally. Print as many different photographic and I.T. prints as you can.

In your I.T. sessions with Nicole you will be using Photoshop to develop your ‘raw’ images further. You will then be adding type in order to complete an authentic and professional book jackets (front, spine and back). This stage needs to be ‘perfect’. Your lecturers will not be accepting any errors or poor layout whatsoever. You will be expected to work on the 3 covers until they are 100% correct. The proper method of saving and printing is also vital. Keep full notes on all your I.T. processes, reasons for using them and evaluate the results.

Object Project


Create a series of 5 postcards and an A4 poster that will encouraging a specific audience to buy your everyday object.

This project is aimed to promote lateral thinking through brainstorming, word association etc. as well as applying this process to producing innovative and creative work. Your final pieces must include type and must include images.

The best advertising is aimed to sell a product through creative ideas, thinking laterally and the unexpected. You will be introduced to a range of attributes that affect the communication and appearance of images. These include metaphors, semiotics, collage, photomontage, similes etc. You will need to gain research on these areas and experiment with how you can use them in your photography and work.

You will be expected to collect and analyse visual communication. This can be in the form of adverts, television commercials, photographic imagery etc.

Work can be photographed, then manipulated by hand and the use of computer skills must be evident in some way. You will be introduced to a new computer program; called InDesign, which is used for layout. You will need to complete worksheets and tasks and use this program and Photoshop in the development of your work.

You need to focus on originality, meaning and communication, verbal and non-verbal messages and the aesthetics of your ideas. As well as analysing the development of ideas and end products.

Seven Sins Project


Create seven images exploring how you think the Seven deadly Sins fit into the 21st century.

Using the traditionally accepted seven deadly sins as your starting point show your understanding of how sins and sinning play a role in our modern. Written captions and text can be used but only to enhance the images, you need to develop ways to make this appropriate to the image as opposed to a ‘just stuck on look’.

You will need to brainstorm ideas in the form of notes, doodles, thumbnail sketches, storyboards, photocopies etc.

Think laterally, outside of the box. Don’t settle on the one solution, think of different ways to overcome the problem and try not to do the obvious.

The final solution must include some form of photography (digital or processed). You can photocopy, manipulate and collage your photography. It is up to you if you want to include type and hand drawn features, but make sure you experiment with different materials, ideas and outcomes as this will alter the communication of the image. The images can be any size larger than A5, either portrait or landscape but your choice must remain consistent throughout. You can use black and white or colour. Think about using different ways to get colour i.e. colour photocopies, paper, materials etc. You will also have the opportunity to use the computers and use your Photoshop skills to enhance your images.

You need to be able to back up your final piece with research, generation of ideas, development of ideas and a written evaluation.